Highways. There are five main highways connecting Doha to its neighboring cities. These are the Dukhan Highway to the west of the city, the Al-Shamal Road, connecting Doha to the north of the country, the Al Khor Coastal Road, connecting Doha to the northern town of Al Khor, and the Al Wakrah/Mesaieed Road, connecting Doha to the south of the country. Salwa Road runs through south Doha and connects the city to the Saudi border to the south of the country. Construction of the project is expected to cost $2.1 billion to complete.
We, Hepworth PME (Qatar) WLL are pleased to be part of this mega project by supplying various products such as:
• Polyethylene (PE)
• and many more
For various site applications including:
• Telecom Duct System
• Irrigation/TSE Network System
• Drainage System
• and many more